LR READING SCALE 1, Grades K-3: Becoming A Reader

a horizontal arrow divided into five sections
Beginning reader
Not-yet-fluent reader
Moderately fluent reader
Fluent reader
Exceptionally fluent reader

Beginning reader

Uses just a few successful strategies for tackling print independently. Relies on having another person to read the text aloud. May still be unaware that text carries meaning.

Not-yet-fluent reader

Tackling known and predictable text with growing confidence but still needing support with new and unfamiliar ones. Growing ability to predict meanings and developing strategies to check predictions against other cues such as the illustrations and the print itself.

Moderately fluent reader

Well-launched on reading but still needs to return to a familiar range of reader text. At the same time beginning to explore new kinds of texts independently. Beginning to read silently.

Fluent reader

A capable reader who now approaches familiar texts with confidence but still needs support with unfamiliar materials. Beginning to draw inferences from books and stories. Reads independently. Chooses to read silently.

Exceptionally fluent reader

An avid and independent reader who is making choices from a wider range of material. Able to appreciate nuances and subtlety in text.

Reading Scale 2 | Reading Scale 3

Reprinted by permission of the Learning Record.